Meet Joscelyn Wippern

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Meet Joscelyn

Team Assistant

Originally from New Canaan, CT, Joscelyn is the newest member of the SWG team, serving as Shelton's exceptional assistant. In this role, she helps Shelton deliver top-notch services while improving productivity and team efficiency with her organizational skills and focused, linear approach. Prior to this, Joscelyn taught reformer Pilates after an eight-year career in finance and commercial real estate. She holds a B.A. in Art History from Columbia University. Joscelyn currently lives in Santa Monica with her son, Jacob, and her mini dachshund, Ginger. Her passions include physical fitness, clean eating, the beach, and spending time outdoors with her family.

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With exceptional networking and research skills, The Shelton Wilder Group excels at finding hidden, ‘off-market listings and matching her buyers with the perfect homes and lifestyles to fit their needs.

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